Saturday, May 1, 2021

Back in the saddle

 Well well well... so much for trying to get back into a more regular blog posting routine.  I really hadn’t been able to quilt any big projects for a very long time because my machine needed  to be serviced.  I did make Christmas placemats and a bag or two on the machine I borrowed from my daughter and that was the sum total for almost a year.  I finally have my machine back and have managed to quilt three quilts this week before going to work.  I didn’t commit to Hands2Help This year because of my machine needing service but I did send one of the quilts off to Quilty Hugs for Happy Chemo so I was happy about that.  Unfortunately I forgot to snap a photo.  Here are pics of the other two scrap quilts ( old WIPS) I was able to complete.  A quick mention that I ordered custom quilt labels for the first time as I have decided to finally open an Etsy shop😊.  Hope you all are healthy and happy after the difficulties of the past year.

